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My Vision

End to Cookie-Cutter Justice

In my role as a Judge, I will champion individualized approaches to justice, recognizing that our court system must address the root causes of issues that bring individuals to court. Our courts, jails, and police were not designed to tackle complex social problems such as homelessness, mental health struggles, or substance use disorders. My approach will focus on employing best policing practices, making equitable charging decisions, and creating innovative court options to move away from over-incarceration and towards meaningful solutions.

I am committed to developing tailored interventions that consider the unique circumstances of each case. For example, in cases involving homelessness or mental health issues, I will work to connect individuals with resources and support services. This approach not only addresses immediate legal concerns but also works towards long-term justice and rehabilitation.

Creating an Efficient and Effective Court

I am committed to making our courts more efficient without compromising on the quality of services. By eliminating unnecessary delays in civil cases and promoting our dispute resolution program, we can ensure timely and cost-effective settlements. This approach will save resources for the parties involved, the courts, and our community at large. Additionally, I will continue to support the exemplary work of our Sobriety Court. This court plays a critical role in holding participants accountable while providing the support they need to find lasting solutions through sobriety. By addressing the underlying issues of substance abuse, we can help individuals reintegrate into society.

Community Engagement and Youth Outreach

Expanding community outreach and engagement is a top priority. By bringing the workings of the legal system into the classroom, we can demystify the process and encourage a new generation to consider careers in law and public service. I will also promote initiatives for youthful and first-time offenders, aiming to prevent criminal behavior and encourage academic and personal success. Our goal is for young people to thrive in our community, graduating with degrees and not criminal records. By providing them with positive role models and opportunities for growth, we can steer them away from the criminal justice system and toward fulfilling futures.

Sobriety Court

I will continue to support the exemplary work of our Sobriety Court. This court plays a critical role in holding participants accountable while providing the support they need to find lasting solutions through sobriety and recovery. By addressing the underlying issues of substance abuse, we can help individuals reintegrate into society and break the cycle of addiction.

Mental Health Court

Mental health courts are vital in addressing the needs of individuals with mental health conditions who come into contact with the criminal justice system. I am committed to expanding and supporting mental health court programs that provide individuals with the necessary resources for treatment and rehabilitation rather than incarceration. These courts focus on connecting individuals to mental health services, offering ongoing support, and monitoring progress to ensure that they receive the help they need. By fostering collaborations with mental health professionals, local advocacy groups, and community organizations, we can create a supportive environment for individuals to manage their mental health conditions and reduce recidivism.

Addressing Inequity in the Court System

Specialty Courts

Acknowledging Racial Inequity and Committing to Change

Racial inequity is a pressing issue in our justice system, and I am fully committed to addressing this challenge. I recognize that racial disparities exist in how justice is administered and I am dedicated to working towards meaningful reform.

As Judge, I will advocate for policies and practices that address these disparities, including mandatory bias training for court staff and promoting diversity within the judiciary. I will collaborate with local organizations to develop programs that support marginalized communities and work towards creating a more equitable justice system for everyone.


One of my key commitments is to uphold justice and equality in my courtroom, acknowledging the historical and ongoing impact of racial inequities. I will actively work to end racial disparities through fair and compassionate rulings, ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect,

I will work closely with local community organizations to develop and implement programs that support marginalized communities and ensure equal access to justice.

Advocating for Transgender Rights

I am committed to advocating for the rights and dignity of transgender individuals. I recognize the unique challenges faced by the transgender community, including discrimination and barriers to accessing essential services. As a Judge, I will ensure that the legal system upholds the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender identity.

Promoting Restorative Justice

I am committed to advocating for the rights and dignity of transgender individuals. I recognize the unique challenges faced by the transgender community, including discrimination and barriers to accessing essential services. As a Judge, I will ensure that the legal system upholds the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender identity.

Police Accountability

I am committed to upholding the law with independence and integrity, and this includes holding law enforcement accountable for their actions. I will ensure that I am not a rubber stamp for police requests or decisions. My role is to ensure that the law is applied fairly and justly.

I will scrutinize all evidence and claims brought before the court to ensure that police conduct aligns with legal standards and that officers are held accountable for any actions that exceed their authority. This means being vigilant against potential abuses of power and ensuring that every aspect of police behavior is subject to rigorous legal review.

In reviewing cases, I will carefully examine whether law enforcement actions were within legal bounds and ensure that the rights of all individuals involved are protected. It is my responsibility to prevent overreach and ensure that law enforcement practices are consistent with constitutional and legal requirements.

Maintaining transparency in judicial proceedings is essential for fostering public trust. I will work to ensure that the judicial process is open and accessible, and I will support measures like online court broadcasts to allow public observation of court activities. By being transparent about the judicial process, I aim to build trust with the community and demonstrate that all cases are handled with fairness and accountability.

My commitment is to serve as an impartial arbiter who upholds the law while ensuring that no one, including law enforcement, is above it.

Addressing Systemic Issues in the Criminal Justice System

Systemic issues, such as racial disparities, require proactive and sustained efforts. I will work to implement and support policies that address these disparities, including initiatives for bias reduction and community support programs. By focusing on both the symptoms and root causes of these issues, we can create a more just and equitable legal system.

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